#1 Retina Specialist Doctor in Udaipur for Clear Vision

It’s not uncommon for patients to suffer from retinal damage, which can be caused by a variety of diseases. The retina is responsible for converting light into electrical signals that the brain can interpret. So you must get treated with the best retina doctor in Udaipur Because of its location, the retina is especially susceptible to injury. Here we will discuss the most common causes of retinal damage, including diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and retinitis pigmentosa.​

Retinal diseases are conditions that affect the retina, which is the thin layer of tissue lining the back of the eye responsible for capturing light and sending visual signals to the brain. According to best retina specialist doctor in Udaipur – Dr Sharva Pandya, some common retinal diseases seen at Jai Drishti Eye Hospital`s OPD include:

  1. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD):
    • AMD is a progressive disease that affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. It can lead to blurred or distorted vision and may cause central vision loss. Retina specialist doctor in Udaipur can treat this condition very well.
  2. Diabetic Retinopathy:
    • Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the blood vessels in the retina. It can cause swelling (macular edema), abnormal blood vessel growth, and eventually lead to vision loss if left untreated. We have best retina specialist doctor in Udaipur with latest technology like OCT angiography and Retina Lasers to treat Diabetic Retinopathy effectively.
  3. Retinal Detachment:
    • Retinal detachment occurs when the retina pulls away from its normal position at the back of the eye. This can cause sudden flashes of light, floaters, and a curtain-like shadow over the visual field. Retinal detachment is considered a medical emergency.
  4. Retinal Vascular Occlusions:
    • Retinal vascular occlusions occur when a blood vessel supplying the retina becomes blocked, leading to reduced blood flow and potential damage to the retina. This condition can cause sudden vision loss in the affected area of the retina.
  5. Retinitis Pigmentosa:
    • Retinitis pigmentosa is an inherited condition that causes progressive degeneration of the retina’s light-sensitive cells (rods and cones). It often leads to night blindness and gradual peripheral vision loss.
  6. Macular Hole:
    • A macular hole is a small break in the macula, resulting in central vision distortion or loss. It can occur due to aging or other factors and may require surgical intervention.
  7. Macular Pucker (Epiretinal Membrane):
    • Macular pucker occurs when a thin layer of scar tissue forms on the surface of the retina, causing wrinkling or distortion of central vision.
  8. Retinoblastoma:
    • Retinoblastoma is a rare childhood eye cancer that develops in the retina. It often presents as a white pupil (cat’s eye reflex) and can cause vision loss if not treated promptly.

These are some of the common retinal diseases that can affect vision and require specialized care from an ophthalmologist or retina specialist. Early detection and timely treatment are crucial for preserving vision and managing retinal conditions effectively. If you have concerns about your eye health or experience any changes in vision, consult with our retina specialist doctor in Udaipur, Rajasthan for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management.

Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment by Best Retina Specialist Doctor in Udaipur
Diabetic Retinopathy – Changes in Retina
Retina Testing with OCT - OCT Angiography by Best Retina Specialist Doctor in Udaipur

Apart from having best retina specialist doctor in Udaipur, Jai Drishti Eye Hospital is proud to introduce first and most advanced OCT with latest cutting-edge technology. Our OCT Machine is capable of detailed 3D imaging of all 6 layers of retina. We are first and only to offer OCT angiography in Udaipur. So if you are having any concern regarding your retina, you must visit our retina specialist doctor in Udaipur, Rajasthan.

FFA (Fluorescein Angiography)OCT Angiography
Invasive (Injection is Required)Non-Invasive (No Injection)
Dye-BasedNo Dye Used
Toxic to KidneySafe to Kidney
Chances of ReactionNo Reaction
Lower ResolutionHigher Resolution
2D Imaging, Segmentation Not Possible3D Imaging, Segmentation Possible
Capture Superficial RetinaCapture Superficial, Deep, Outer Retina & Choroid
Time Taken 5-30 MinutesLess Than 5 Minutes
Difference between FFA & OCT Angiography

Retina Investigations offered at Jai Drishti eye Hospital, Udaipur are:

  • Fundus Photography
  • OCT with OCT Angiography of Retina
  • Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT)
  • B-Scan Ultrasonography
  • Retina Laser – We offer laser photocoagulation with latest retina green laser for retina diseases like diabetic retinopathy, venous occlusions, Central serous retinopathy among others. Before laser treatment we pour eye drops in your eyes to numb its surface. This procedure is an OPD procedure and admission is not required. 
  • Retina Injections – In case of Age Related Mecular Degeneration (ARMD), Diabetic Maculopathy and few other retinal diseases intravitreal Injections have shown promising results. We offer wide range of intravitreal injections such as – Lucentis / Razumab (Ranibizumab), Avastin / Zybev (Bevacizumab), Macugen (Pegaptinib Sodium), Ozurdex (Steroid implant) etc.

We are known for our transparency in your whole journey of retina treatment in Udaipur. Prices of Retina Laser, Retina Injections and Retina Surgery are discussed well before surgery. We use same injections and implants as discussed with you by retina specialist doctor in Udaipur. Our pricing is the same for everyone. We don`t charge patients on their appearance and socioeconomic standards.

Retinal injections, such as Avastin (bevacizumab), are commonly used to treat various retinal conditions, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vein occlusions. Proper before and aftercare is essential to optimize treatment outcomes and minimize potential risks. Here’s a general guideline for before and aftercare of retinal injections like Avastin:

Before Retina Injection

  1. Medical Evaluation:
    • Your eye doctor will conduct a comprehensive eye examination to assess your retinal condition and determine the need for treatment.
  2. Discuss Medications and Allergies:
    • Inform your doctor about any medications you are taking and allergies you have, especially to medications or anesthesia.
  3. Plan for Transportation:
    • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure, as your vision may be temporarily blurry due to dilation and the injection itself.
  4. Follow Pre-Procedural Instructions:
    • Your doctor may provide specific instructions, such as fasting before the procedure or using prescribed eye drops.

After Retina Injection

  1. Rest and Recovery:
    • Plan to relax and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day after the injection.
  2. Use Prescribed Eye Drops:
    • Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding the use of any prescribed eye drops to prevent infection and inflammation.
  3. Monitor for Complications:
    • Watch for signs of complications such as increased eye pain, redness, discharge, or vision changes, and contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.
  4. Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes:
    • Refrain from rubbing or touching your eyes to reduce the risk of infection.
  5. Wear Eye Protection:
    • If advised by your doctor, use protective eyewear to shield your eyes from sunlight or foreign particles.
  6. Follow-Up Visits:
    • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor your response to treatment and assess the need for further injections or adjustments in care.
  7. Maintain Overall Health:
    • Manage any underlying health conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension, as they can affect your eye health and response to treatment.
  8. Ask Questions:
    • If you have any concerns or questions during your recovery, don’t hesitate to contact your eye care provider for clarification and guidance.

Remember that individualized care instructions may vary based on your specific condition and medical history. Always follow your doctor’s recommendations for optimal outcomes and timely management of retinal conditions treated with injections like Avastin.

Below you’ll find answers to some of our retina patients’ frequently asked questions. We have been able to cover quite a few topics, but if there’s something we haven’t touched on, please don’t hesitate to ask. If you’ve still got a question for us, feel free to get in touch and we will happily answer your inquiry. We offer easy-to-understand guides for some of the most common questions and inquiries we receive at our practice. Below you’ll find a list of some frequently asked questions by retina specialist doctor in Udaipur, Rajasthan.

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